Project Ready Wood Plywood Lumber Hardwood Blocks Pen Blanks Handpicked

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You are here: Turning Blocks >> Hardwood Blocks >> Curly Maple Pen Blanks | 20 pack

Curly Maple Pen Blanks | 20 pack


Curly Maple is Maple wood with a unique wavy or curly pattern in the grain. The ripples in the grain pattern create a three dimensional effect that looks like the wood has curled along the length of the board. The pattern is most noticeable after a finish is applied. This is a medium figured wood, and some boards may be brown in color.

Item Specifications

Pack Includes 20 pieces

(20) Curly Maple at:

Thickness (height) Width Length Weight
0.75 inches 0.75 inches 5 inches 0.067 lbs.

Surfacing: Planed smooth on four sides. Not sanded.

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